Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Tuesday, 18 September 2012


I like to hear quotations very much....but hard to follow them. Some quotes which i loved very much :

 'Real eyes ' easily reliases 'Real lies'.

Dear girls stop worrying about ur eyeliner, hair, lips, etc. One day you'll find a guy that won't care about them all and only looks at ur Heart.

The best medicine in the world is mother's hug 

I dont consider myself as 'Single and Alone'. I consider myself as 'Independent and Available'. 

I wish life was like Photoshop, where you could just crop all the unwanted stuff out. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

The day I go down on my knees for a girl, is the day I will tie the shoe lace for my daughter.

Be like a postage stamp,stick to one thing untill you get there.

My life is a story book that I wrote for myself and wonderfully illustrated by many people I meet.

Society is like salt water, good to swim in but hard to swallow.

Don't be afraid your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.

Monday, 17 September 2012

In New wOrLd

Hello Everyone,

I started this blog to share my views and works as a daily diary for me.
Here is a little background about me:
I did my under graduation in MECHANICAL, but doing job in Software :(   I always try to adjust to the situations accordingly. Right now I am just focusing on adjusting to software environment.

Well that's all I have right now, but there is one quote I want to leave you all with-------'There is nothing permanent than change'.